Tuesday, 30 August 2011


Welcome the fashion harvest!

A bit about myself: My name's Faye and I'm from Midlands, UK and I'm currently a student in my last year of secondary school. I spend my time eating, shopping, sewing or aimlessly web browsing.

I've started this blog mainly for my own enjoyment but also as a sort of portfolio of everything I do/have done clothing related.

You'll probably find clothing hauls, OOTD's, small tutorials, vintage finds, charity shop baarrrgains and maybe even the odd recipe - I'm a bordom eater...

At the moment I'm waiting on a new sewing machine, after and expensive, tedious and unsuccessful battle with an ebay-brought pile of plastic crap.

Expect plenty more posts early-mid Septemeber!


Wild Things Grow Here said...

Hello! :)
I am from the Midlands in the UK too! Im from Warwickshire, where abouts are you from? :)
Lovely blog, I cant wait for you to post more and get your sewing machine!

Faye Lesley said...

I live in Shropshire, its pretty quiet and rural hahaa.
Just had a nose at your blog and I love it!
Thank you for checking my blog out :D